aktywizacji osób niepełnosprawnych

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agere foundation

for activity of disabled people

is registered in Poland by the number of krs 0000915006

you can mail me anytime

want to ask a question or participate in the mission send an e-mail, send at

want to ask a question or participate in the mission send an e-mail, send at

want to ask a question or participate in the mission send an e-mail, send at

want to ask a question or participate in the mission send an e-mail, send at

ta strona korzysta z plików przechowywanych przez przeglądarkę zwanych "cookies". umożliwiają one późniejszą identyfikację użytkownika i jego ustawień. Korzystając z tej strony akceptujesz to. możesz też skasować te pliki w każdej chwili w ustawieniach przeglądarki.

2023 (c) agencja kreacji internetowej witryny agere z ramienia agere fundacji aktywizacji osób niepełnosprawnych

witryna stworzona przy użyciu narzędzia do dizajnu i utrzymywana dzięki uprzejmości

mission of
agere foundation

we speak about succsess
acting despite disability

the only such encouraging message and good prompt to act

sent relentlessly to disabled people in and out of the internet

check out how to act despite disability

the only such encouraging message and good prompt to act

sent relentlessly to disabled people in and out of the internet

check out how to act despite disability

remember that being disabled person doesn't forbid you from acting doing stuff is for you see for yourself

remember that being disabled person doesn't forbid you from acting doing stuff is for you see for yourself

remember that being disabled person doesn't forbid you from acting doing stuff is for you see for yourself

remember that being disabled person doesn't forbid you from acting doing stuff is for you see for yourself

and you? what hobby do you have? will you develop it? what's your dream place to see? can you travel there?

and you? what hobby do you have? will you develop it? what's your dream place to see? can you travel there?